Sunday, January 3, 2010

Operating A Franklin Stove Have Americans Become Too Corrupt And Selfish For The Principles Of The Republic To Operate Successfully?

Have Americans become too corrupt and selfish for the principles of the republic to operate successfully? - operating a franklin stove

Benjamin Franklin said ...

"Only positive people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and evil have, they need more of the Masters"


extremis... said...

That, and the game of sheep.

"The dominance of parts of a political group to another, through the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension, which were committed sharpened in different ages and countries, the most heinous crimes is itself a frightful despotism." - George Washington


Oh, no, they are wrong. The American Constitution was the first time in history, the country's population voted in their own plan to take. While not every citizen have a voice, was to send their own delegates to vote for the ratification of the conventions. And there was no class prerequisites or property. In addition, the Constitution expressly forbids titles of nobility in Article 1

"This shows that we are gathered to celebrate, is it worth that has not appeared on our planet. A free and enlightened people, the creation and ratification of a system of government which have been accounted for, tested and approved! You have heard of Sparta, Athens and Rome, was one of ERAE admired constitutions and freedom worth ... But what may in all its glory and pride of freedom, never give in to the astonished world, a statement similar to what we now? Their constitutions were written by those who were for that purpose by the persons responsible for? He became the framework that has been submitted for consideration by the people? When the people a oppurtunity to express their feelings about them? She stood and fell with a vote approving or rejecting the people? "~ James Wilson, signer of the Declaration of Independence, one of the first 6 Supreme Court judges appointed by George Washington

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